
Watched him try to get a number one time in a burger joint... the outcome? Quite gay. Went to a bad bunny concert because he fell in love with the spanish papi. Spent too much money at a strip club to prove he wasnt gay.


Been friends with him for a minute but have never heard him talk about a girl intamately... kinda gay. Took him to a strip club but he wouldn't look at the stripper... suspicious? Gives off kinda gay homie energy which can only mean he's definitely gay.


Can't nut AT ALL despite having sex with a woman. Has DD titties (see pic) better known as bitch tits but never has the desency to wear a bra. There is a pic of him kissing another man that tried to break up him & his girl... feels pretty gay?


Cuddie fucks a lot of bitties but is somehow still a gay homie. Super into magic & hanging out with other bros & talking tech. Mega gay homie energy when talking about the gym, workweek capital, and everything else


Does anything for a bag (anything)!!! Falls asleep at strip clubs and spooned me for a week.... smh. Brought all the bitties to the yacht in Miami but what straight man can do that?


Claims he gets bitches but have never seen it happen (I've now seen it happen twice i.e. 08/15/2024) (kinda gay)... Painted his nail which is quite questionable.. see image below


Went to a latin club and he danced with me instead of latina mommies... gay? Talks often about big titty goth women but have yet to see him with one. Supposedly dislocated his shoulder during coitus.. with a man?